Join us for a science talk that will explain how the Corona virus infect cells, and what different mechanisms the various vaccines use to induce immunity.

Find out which vaccines are approved in Malaysia, and how the vaccination roll-out is proceeding.

Malaysian Swedish Business Association (MASBA) and Malaysian Danish Business Council (MDBC) are pleased to invite members to a science talk about COVID-19 vaccines and how they work.

The session is virtual and takes place on the Zoom platform.



04:00 PM   Welcome
by Hans Bjornered, Chairman, MASBA
Malaysian Swedish Business Association

04:05 PM   Presentation
by  Jenny Westin, PhD life-science in Molecular Neurobiology & Executive Director, MASBA and Birita Poulsen, BSc in Biomedical Engineering & Executive Assistant, MDBC

04:30 PM   Dialogue and Q&A’s

04:55 PM   Wrap up & Closing
by Trine Tveen Nielsen, Executive Director, MDBC
Malaysian Danish Business Council